Fundy Tifrd Title

Many people who visit Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, often depart without ever witnessing the full cycle of the highest and lowest tides in the world. That's because it takes more than 12 hours to complete. More than 15,000 high resolution digital timelapse photos were used to create the videos on this special DVD of the Fundy Tides. In one minute you can now witness and enjoy a complete 12 hour tide cycle from low to high to low again. One of these timelapse clips is currently showing in the Smithsonian Institute - Ocean Hall Display.

Cape Split Riptide Cape Split Channel

This specially priced DVD contains a short viniette, lecture about the Fundy Tides and 10 timelapse tide cycles from various locations in Nova Scotia showing both horizontal and vertical movement. Also a satellite view of the Bay of Fundy and a Helicopter view of Cape Split which marks the beginning of a channel whos flow of water during mid tide surpasses the flow of all fresh water rivers inthe world.

Priced at only $9.95 this DVD is s must for anyone interested in the ocean and it's tides. The Bay of Fundy tides considered one of the Natural Wonders of the World.

SD DVD ..............................................$9.95

Blueray HD Availabel October 2011

Email for larger quantities and retailing

Shipping & Handling for 1-3 DVD's - $5.00 per order

NO LONGER AVAILABLE - Inquire via email for digial copy
Scots Bay Halls Harbour

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